There are three answers:
(1) Crain Associates represents boutique research at its best:
We could showcase techniques here, like many other researchers do. However, if you’re like most business managers, you want
- Reliable answers to questions
- On a timely basis
and you really don’t care about how the information is gathered.
What you really don’t want is to have a staffer come into your office the day after a major presentation and start a sentence with, “Oops . . . .”
It’s really simple. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. We treat every client and project the way we would want a vendor to treat us.
(2) Our mission is service and our focus is you
We’ve built a network of top research professionals and can mix-and-match resources to the needs of a specific project and client.
We’re not trying to push a technique or resource. Instead we bring the best resources for whatever your particular problem happens to be.
(3) Because of our business model, we don’t carry to overhead of larger companies. That gives us an advantage in both flexibility and cost, from which you benefit.