- Who we are
CARLLC is a boutique research practice based in Princeton, NJ. Our focus is on obtaining the best possible information for clients, and we use an array of primary and secondary data collection and desk research/meta analysis techniques to do that.
- Methods
Surveys (phone, mail, web)
Depth interviewing (executives, doctors, consumers)
Focus groups
Statistical analysis (SPSS and R) and modeling
Scanning of public data sources
- Advantages — Quality and Costs
As a boutique, we limit the number of projects we do each year in order to give each assignment the level of attention and effort it warrants. However, as a boutique, we don’t carry a corporate overhead burden. So in most cases, we will offer a pronounced cost advantage over other full service research firms.
- Examples of recent projects
Customer satisfaction, including CRM cleaning
Custom software development clients (enterprise IT executives) — US,
India, China
Chemical products
Dermatology product users
Government logistics program managers
Employee surveys
Depth interviews with medical professionals (e.g., neurologists,
oncologists, hospital IT executives)
Depth interviews with large animal veterinarians
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Hi James,
Thank you for your comments. I have two business activities, one global and one local to the Delaware Valley. I’m not sure how that would fit with the service you are offering. In any case, the point of this blog is to offer information that is important, impartial and accurate to the best of my ability, not sell.
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